sunshine news for Aug 17 |Puntotoc Progress |

2022-08-20 12:27:03 By : Ms. Yoyo Yang


Penny auction time with Homecare Hospice.

Penny auction time with Homecare Hospice.

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We are excited to connect with everyone again. We hope that everyone had a blessed week. We have been extremely busy this week, but we have thoroughly enjoyed each day. Let us tell you a little about our week.

Monday, we began the day with devotion and prayer. The topic was “How To Live An Excellent Life.” Monday afternoon, we had a great time playing guess the sentence. The saying holds true; “Two heads are better than one.” Everyone worked as a team and solved each puzzle.

Tuesday, we began the morning with music and exercise. We worked up a sweat in a matter of minutes. This helps keep our bodies loose and ready to conquer the day. Tuesday afternoon, we enjoyed a game of GO FISHING with Homecare Hospice. It was exciting to play the game with live fish.

Wednesday, we began the day with devotion and prayer. The topic was “Trials Reveal Your Character.” This devotion was a reminder that life isn’t always easy, and it is important how we respond to our trials. Wednesday afternoon, we enjoyed watching the Jubilee Singers live on DVD while enjoying popcorn.

Thursday, we began our day with a penny auction with Homecare Hospice. There were nice items to bid on. We always enjoy penny auctions. Later that day, we turned the sunroom into SunShine Lanes! The atmosphere was competitive as we played rounds of bowling. Our winner for today was Ms. Linda Willoughby.

Friday was manicure day. While the women lined up to get pampered in the sunroom, men enjoyed socializing with one another. Our ladies spent most of the day getting pampered as everyone waited their turn for a manicure. We enjoy spending our Fridays catching up on the latest news with one another while waiting. It's always a pleasure to see a smile on everyone’s face. Friday afternoon, Mr. Hester played the piano and residents filled the sunroom. We enjoyed singing along with him.

Saturday morning, residents spent the afternoon reading their favorite book or watching their favorite tv show/movie. Later that afternoon, residents occupied themselves by choosing an activity to do from our activity cart.

Sunday morning, we enjoyed Sunday school with Mr. Westmoreland. We really enjoy having him each week. We spent the rest of the day enjoying time with our family and friends.

We here at Sunshine really enjoy being able to share all of our exciting news with you. To learn more about what we do from day to day here at Sunshine Healthcare, you can also like our Sunshine Healthcare Page on Facebook. Visitations are taking place.

Also, Sunshine welcomes any volunteer groups that would like to come and entertain our residents. Your presence would be greatly appreciated. Please give us a call at (662) 489-1189 ext 247 to be added to our calendar. We hope that you all continue to have a blessed week.

Kayla Williams signing out until next week!!!

Today’s Quotes of the Day

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but the seeds that you plant.”

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